
With resourceful expert teams in green building, green construction material, building environment, transportation, urban operation safety and renewal, SRIBS operates a number of municipal Model Worker Studios and enterprise expert studios, which undertake industry generic technology research, and support a lot of vital engineering projects.
  • Municipal Model Worker Studio: Xu Qiang
    Shanghai Xuqiang Green Building and Energy Efficiency Studio
  • Municipal Model Worker Studio: Kan Qiuhong
    Shanghai Kan Qiuhong Heroine Studio
  • Municipal Model Worker Studio: Zhou Hongbo
    Shanghai Zhou Hongbo Urban Digitalization Studio
  • Municipal Model Worker Studio: Liu Gechun
    Shanghai Construction Municipal Commission Liu Gechun Engineering Consulting Studio
  • Municipal Model Worker Studio: Zhao Rongxin
    SRIBS Zhao Rongxin Transportation Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Han Jihong
    SRIBS Green Building and Eco Urban Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Jiang Lixue
    SRIBS Building Lifetime Safety Maintenance Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Fan Jun
    SRIBS Green Construction Material and Solid Waste Recycle Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Li Jingguang
    SRIBS Building Healthy Environment Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Zhou Hongbo
    SRIBS Urban Development and Operation Risk Control Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Zhang Hongru
    SRIBS Green Building Design Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Gu Jun / Xu Rongmei
    SRIBS Airport Building and Facilities Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Chang Sheng / Ling Hong
    SRIBS Theatre Building Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Gu Weiming / Kan Qiuhong
    SRIBS Metro Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Li Xiangmin
    SRIBS Sustainable Urban Renewal Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Xu Qingfeng
    SRIBS Wood and Bamboo Structure Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Yue Peng
    SRIBS Building Functional Material and Component Assessment Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Li Yadong / Zhu Jiemin
    SRIBS Super Highraise Building Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Sun Qingyang / Yang Liming / Zeng Tao
    SRIBS Medical Building Studio
  • Enterprise Expert Studio: Chen Xiangting
    SRIBS Sport Hall Studio
Shanghai Xuqiang Green Building and Energy Efficiency Studio
Municipal Model Worker Studio: Xu Qiang
Xu Qiang, an expert on special government allowances, a leading talent in Shanghai, and a model worker in the national housing and urban construction system. With the goal of innovation-creation-excellence, the studio provides services for urbanization and operation management in Shanghai and the whole country with the latest scientific and technological achievements. It has four major functions: leading the industry, cultivating high-end talents, obtaining technological progress and innovation and spreading the spirit of model workers. He has won 7 provincial and ministerial-level science and technology awards, 1 other award, published more than 20 papers, and applied for/acquired 9 patents.
Shanghai Kan Qiuhong Heroine Studio
Municipal Model Worker Studio: Kan Qiuhong
Based on the major project construction in Shanghai, the studio is dedicated to the engineering construction practice and research work in the key areas of underground and cross-river tunnels in soft soil areas, quality and safety standardization construction, and prefabrication and quality control of underground structures. The team has undertaken a number of major landmark projects in Shanghai and won 4 provincial and municipal awards and obtained 8 patents.
Shanghai Zhou Hongbo Urban Digitalization Studio
Municipal Model Worker Studio: Zhou Hongbo
Zhou Hongbo, professor-level senior engineer, expert of special allowance of the State Council, leading talent, outstanding technical leader in Shanghai, executive director of Engineering Risk and Insurance Research Branch of China Civil Engineering Society, member of the American Society of Civil Engineering Risk Assessment and Management Technical Committee, UK Royal Senior member of the Chartered Institute of Architects. The studio undertakes a number of national and Shanghai science and technology subjects. The research covers construction risks, subway engineering and large-scale municipal engineering risks, large-scale construction operation risks, and transportation hub disaster risks.
Shanghai Construction Municipal Commission Liu Gechun Engineering Consulting Studio
Municipal Model Worker Studio: Liu Gechun
Liu Gechun, a model worker of Shanghai, was once rated as the national “March Eighth Red-Banner Holder” and the “Construction Hero” of the major engineering merit competition in Shanghai. The studio undertakes 6 innovative research projects, and through the research of projects and studios, realizes the transformation of innovative research and development results into application and practice. In a number of major engineering practices, the studio provides innovative technical support.
SRIBS Zhao Rongxin Transportation Studio
Municipal Model Worker Studio: Zhao Rongxin
Zhao Rongxin, a model worker of the national housing and urban construction system, an expert in the laboratory of the highway and waterway engineering test and inspection of the Ministry of Transport. She is an innovative talent with virtues and talents cultivated by the studio. Her main innovative research direction is the systematic development of artificial vision, cable structure evaluation and maintenance technology, which has been successfully applied in key projects.
SRIBS Green Building and Eco Urban Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Han Jihong
Han Jihong, professor-level senior engineer, science and technology expert who enjoys special government allowances from the State Council, leading talent in Shanghai, and expert of the Green Building Evaluation Mark of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The studio seizes the opportunity of the development of contemporary green buildings, and carries out related work in the areas of green building and eco-city related standards preparation, technology research and development and information exchange, focusing on improving the standard system of the national and Shanghai green building fields, and undertaking the 13th Five-Year Science and Technology supporting plan topics.
SRIBS Building Lifetime Safety Maintenance Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Jiang Lixue
Jiang Lixue, professor-level senior engineer, member of the High-rise Building Structure Committee of the Chinese Architectural Society and executive deputy director of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Engineering Structure Safety. The studio has undertaken a number of national and provincial projects, covering a variety of structural forms such as concrete structures, masonry structures, and wood structures. It involves research on key technologies for building safety and operation and maintenance in multi-hazard areas such as safety testing and evaluation, seismic identification and reinforcement, fire safety and repair.
SRIBS Green Construction Material and Solid Waste Recycle Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Fan Jun
Fan Jun, professor-level senior engineer, has presided over 32 major national, provincial and ministerial subjects. The studio undertakes a number of national and provincial-level projects, and has a large-scale integrated laboratory that involves the research and product development of large-scale solid waste resources. The research covers the evaluation of green building materials and the research and development of complete application technology for solid waste utilization. It has formed a number of new technologies and new products, improved the market awareness and market share of the waste building materials, and promoted the rapid development of the industry.
SRIBS Building Healthy Environment Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Li Jingguang
Li Jingguang, a professor-level senior engineer, has completed the National Science and Technology Support Key Projects of the “12th Five-Year Plan” and “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” and has presided over several national key scientific research projects. The studio research covers indoor health environment control and improvement, indoor pollution source detection technology and equipment development, comprehensive assessment of indoor environment , etc., breaking through a number of key technologies and supporting the realization of key results.
SRIBS Urban Development and Operation Risk Control Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Zhou Hongbo
Zhou Hongbo, professor-level senior engineer, expert of special allowance of the State Council, leading talent, outstanding technical leader, executive director of Engineering Risk and Insurance Research Branch of China Civil Engineering Society, member of the American Society of Civil Engineering Risk Assessment and Management Technical Committee, UK Royal Senior member of the Chartered Institute of Architects. The studio undertakes a number of national and Shanghai science and technology projects, covering the construction engineering risks, subway engineering and large-scale municipal engineering risks, large-scale construction operation risks, and transportation hub disaster risks.
SRIBS Green Building Design Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Zhang Hongru
Zhang Hongru, professor-level senior engineer, expert of the Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai Construction Committee, “discipline leader” in Xuhui District, Shanghai Green Building Marking Review Expert, member of China Architecture Association. The studio is dedicated to green building research and design practice. The research covers green building and eco-city planning and design, large-scale integrated green community planning and design, and green transformation. It has completed the 13th Five-Year Project of the Ministry of Construction and a number of green building training and promotion.
SRIBS Airport Building and Facilities Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Gu Jun / Xu Rongmei
The studio provides management and technical support for many large and medium-sized airport construction projects of the company, including flight area construction, terminal buildings and ancillary buildings, roads and railways leading to the airport, and other related municipal projects. The studio also provides project management and planning reference, combing and summarizing key complex technologies.
SRIBS Theatre Building Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Chang Sheng / Ling Hong
The research content of the studio includes three key professional construction directions: architectural function, acoustic decoration and stage machinery. It undertakes technical support and talent output for performance projects and trains experts in specific fields.
SRIBS Metro Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Gu Weiming / Kan Qiuhong
The focus of the studio research is the “full process consulting” service concept of municipal rail transit, and it presides over the entry and exit of key rail transit construction projects in Shanghai and other places, the key technical support of the process and the identification, assessment and treatment of fatal risks.
SRIBS Sustainable Urban Renewal Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Li Xiangmin
SRIBS Wood and Bamboo Structure Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Xu Qingfeng
SRIBS Building Functional Material and Component Assessment Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Yue Peng
SRIBS Super Highraise Building Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Li Yadong / Zhu Jiemin
SRIBS Medical Building Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Sun Qingyang / Yang Liming / Zeng Tao
SRIBS Sport Hall Studio
Enterprise Expert Studio: Chen Xiangting



Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Group Co., Ltd.
